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  • London — Collection of Exercises

    A collection of several exercises. For this, the "exe-file" has to be executed. Detailansicht

    Clic 3.0 Exercise

  • London — Crossword Puzzle

    Hot Potato exercise. Detailansicht

  • London — Explore London

    Photo tour guide — 200 panoramas, location maps and informative text; links to other web pages. Detailansicht

  • London in the "Lonely Planet"

    Have a look into the guide book of the Lonely Planet people. They are well-known for very reliable guide-books. Detailansicht

  • London Quiz

    What do you know about London? Multiple choice questions. Detailansicht

  • London — Top Attractions

    The places that everybody wants to see. Buckingham Palace, St James Park, House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey etc.

  • Mark Twain

    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, as well as numerous "Short Stories". Detailansicht

  • Mystery Stories Online

    Mysterious short stories of all kinds, mystery games etc., from E.A. Poe to Hitchcock, from Agatha Christie to Sherlock Holmes. Detailansicht

  • Nature Poetry Collection

    Go to "Poetry Collection" and selct more than 100 poems by author and title.
    You can also learn something about the authors. Detailansicht

  • Netherlands: Gender Concerns International

    Gender Concerns International (GCI) is an international organization which promotes development not only in the Netherlands but also internationally. Detailansicht


  • Newspapers in the English Classroom

    Lessonplans, etc. on newspapers in the EFL classroom Detailansicht

  • Northern Territory Visitor's Guide

    Things one can do in the Northern Territory include visiting the Kakadu National Park and Uluru, better known as Ayers Rock. Detailansicht

  • Norton Anthology

    The Norton Anthology of English Literature. A web companion to the printed version.
    Middle Ages, 16th Century, Early 17th Century, Restoration and the 18th century, Romantic Period, Victorian Age, 20th Century. Detailansicht

  • Orwell, George: Animal Farm

    Full text (divided into chapters) and summaries (per chapter) plus essays and information on the author. Detailansicht

  • Orwell, George: Animal Farm (SparkNotes)

    Spark Notes concerning context, characters and plot; also summaries and analysis of the chapters. Detailansicht

  • Oscar Wilde

    The official website of Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde offers the most essential information on him: Biography, literary works, photos and more. Detailansicht

  • Oscar Wilde

    Here you can get an overview of the life of Wilde by casting a glance at the chronology on this page. Some of his stories, plays, poems and critical works can be found here as well. Detailansicht

  • Philip Larkin

    The poet's biography on the Philip Larkin Society Homepage. Detailansicht

  • Photos from Australia

    This website is a good resource for pictures that have to do with the land down under. Here you will find photo collections covering e.g. famous locations and sights, beaches and landscapes as well as Aborigines. The Australian animals section is highly recommended. Detailansicht

  • Poe - A Poe Webliography

    Edgar Allan Poe on the Internet by Heyward Ehrlich - "A critical guide to electronic resources for Poe research on the World Wide Web and CD-ROM, including electronic texts, HTML-encoded texts, hypertexts, secondary works, commentaries, and indexes." Detailansicht

  • PoemHunter

    Looking for a poem, a poet, a quotation? Try this site because here you can find nearly everything. Detailansicht

  • Poe - The Edgar Allan Poe Museum

    Go to "Educational Resources".
    "Educators and students can use this section to learn more about Edgar Allan Poe. Here you will find a sample ESOL lesson, an Online Quiz for students, and links to other Poe websites." Detailansicht

  • Poe - The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore

    Here you find information on Poe in general and Poe's relation to Baltimore in particular, plus useful links. Detailansicht

  • Poe - The Poe Decoder

    "The Poe Decoder is a project ... of Poe enthusiasts to make criticism and information on Poe and his work available on the Internet." Detailansicht

  • Poetic Devices

    Two definitions of poetry and a brief discussion of poetic terms. (including some useful links) Detailansicht