St. Patrick's Day

Nowadays St. Patrick's Day is probably the most widely celebrated saints day in the world. It commemorates Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. On March 17th many Irish and non Irish people join into the celebrations.
Irish or not, also you can get into the spirit of St. Paddy's Day. We provide information on Saint Patrick and materials for the classroom.
Redaktion: Mag. Walter Steinkogler
Lehrplanbezug: Interkulturelle Kompetenz: Auseinandersetzung mit interkulturellen Themen, Sensibilisierung für kulturelle Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede, Vertiefung des Verständnisses für die Vielfalt von Kulturen und Lebensweisen.
Resources: Listening and reading comprehension material, vocabulary exercises (with sound and images).
A2, 7./8.Schulstufe, 3./4.Klasse MS/ Unterstufe AHS
Materials for the classroom
History and facts around St. Patrick's Day in a cartoon film with subtitles.
Reading Comprehension online and print.
Gap-fill exercise with multiple choice
Choose the correct answer.
Free Presentations in PowerPoint format.
A short presentation.
Match up 1 - 3, Fill in, Dictation
Vocabulary: Picture and text matching exercise
Find hidden words related to St. Patrick's Day and Irish culture and traditions.
Crossword puzzles to challenge your vocabulary and spelling skills.
9 words to find.
Leary and the Leprechaun – an Irish fairytale. Reading Comprehension online and print.
Reading Comprehension online and print.
A Collection of online activities and teaching resources around St.Patrick’s Day (A1 to B1).